Other endpoints
the remaining Endpoints of the applications mainly for listing purpose.
: The different Card categories that are availablehps
: The different HPs that are availableillustrators
: The different cards illustratorsrarities
: The different cards raritiesretreats
: The different pokemon retreat costtypes
: The different pokemon types
// List cards categories$categories = $tcgdex.fetchCategories();// List cards HPs$hps = $tcgdex.fetchHps();// List cards illustrators$illustrators = $tcgdex.fetchIllustrators();// List cards rarities$rarities = $tcgdex.fetchRarities();// List cards retreat costs$retreats = $tcgdex.fetchRetreats();// List cards types$types = $tcgdex.fetchTypes();
// List cards typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('types')// List cards retreat costsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('retreats')// List cards raritiesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('rarities')// List cards illustratorsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('illustrators')// List cards HPsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('hp')// List cards categoriesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('categories')// list the different pokedex ids are in the DBconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('dexids')// list the different energy typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('energytypes')// list the different regulation marksconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('regulationmarks')// list the different pokemon stagesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('stages')// list the different suffixesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('suffixes')// list the different trainer typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('trainertypes')// list the different variantsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('variants')
// List cards typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('types')// List cards retreat costsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('retreats')// List cards raritiesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('rarities')// List cards illustratorsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('illustrators')// List cards HPsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('hp')// List cards categoriesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('categories')// list the different pokedex ids are in the DBconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('dexids')// list the different energy typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('energytypes')// list the different regulation marksconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('regulationmarks')// list the different pokemon stagesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('stages')// list the different suffixesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('suffixes')// list the different trainer typesconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('trainertypes')// list the different variantsconst res = await tcgdex.fetch('variants')
// List cards typesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchTypes();// List cards retreat costsStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchRetreats();// List cards raritiesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchRarities();// List cards illustratorsStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchIllustrators();// List cards HPsStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchHPs();// List cards categoriesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchCategories();// list the different pokedex ids are in the DBStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchDexIds();// list the different energy typesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchEnergyTypes();// list the different regulation marksStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchRegulationMarks();// list the different pokemon stagesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchStages();// list the different suffixesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchSuffixes();// list the different trainer typesStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchTrainerTypes();// list the different variantsStringEndpoint res = tcgdex.fetchVariants();
// List cards typesval res = tcgdex.fetchTypes();// List cards retreat costsval res = tcgdex.fetchRetreats();// List cards raritiesval res = tcgdex.fetchRarities();// List cards illustratorsval res = tcgdex.fetchIllustrators();// List cards HPsval res = tcgdex.fetchHPs();// List cards categoriesval res = tcgdex.fetchCategories();// list the different pokedex ids are in the DBval res = tcgdex.fetchDexIds();// list the different energy typesval res = tcgdex.fetchEnergyTypes();// list the different regulation marksval res = tcgdex.fetchRegulationMarks();// list the different pokemon stagesval res = tcgdex.fetchStages();// list the different suffixesval res = tcgdex.fetchSuffixes();// list the different trainer typesval res = tcgdex.fetchTrainerTypes();// list the different variantsval res = tcgdex.fetchVariants();
// List cards typeshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/types// List cards retreat costshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/retreats// List cards raritieshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/rarities// List cards illustratorshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/illustrators// List cards HPshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/hps// List cards categorieshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/categories// list the different pokedex ids are in the DBhttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/dexids// list the different energy typeshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/energytypes// list the different regulation markshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/regulationmarks// list the different pokemon stageshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/stages// list the different suffixeshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/suffixes// list the different trainer typeshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/trainertypes// list the different variantshttps://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/variants
Sample Response
note: response for HPs
[ 10, 30, 40, ..., 320, 330, 340]