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The Set object

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idStringSet Unique ID
nameStringSet Name
logoString AssetYesSet logo (you can add .(webp|png|jpg) to customize the format)
symbolString AssetYesSet Symbol (you can add .(webp|png|jpg) to customize the format
cardCountObjectContain information about the number of cards in the set
cardCount.totalNumberThe total amount of cards in this set (including hidden)
cardCount.officialNumberThe amount of cards in this set (displayed on the bottom left/right of the card)
cardCount.reverseNumberThe amount of cards in this set that can be found in reverse holo
cardCount.holoNumberThe amount of cards in this set that can be found in holo
cardCount.firstEdNumberThe amount of cards in this set that can be found with the firstEdition Tag
serieSerieBriefInformations about the serie
tcgOnlineStringYesPokémon TCG Online Set code
releaseDateStringThe set release date in the form yyyy-mm-dd
legalObjectSet usability in competitions
legal.standardBooleanAbility to use this set in standard competitions
legal.expandedBooleanAbility to use this set in Expanded competitions
cardsArray of CardBriefList of cards in this set


"cardCount": {
"firstEd": 0,
"holo": 64,
"normal": 137,
"official": 189,
"reverse": 155,
"total": 201
"cards": [
"id": "swsh3-1",
"image": "",
"localId": "1",
"name": "Butterfree V"
// ...
"id": "swsh3-136",
"image": "",
"localId": "136",
"name": "Furret"
// ...
"id": "swsh3-201",
"image": "",
"localId": "201",
"name": "Capture Energy"
"id": "swsh3",
"legal": {
"expanded": true,
"standard": false
"logo": "",
"name": "Darkness Ablaze",
"releaseDate": "2020-08-14",
"serie": {
"id": "swsh",
"name": "Sword & Shield"
"symbol": ""